Phonics posters with words and pictures, perfect for any primary classroom!
Are you looking for clear, precise and distraction-free phonics posters for the classroom? Here they are!
Please read the description in it's entirety so you know exactly what posters/pictures you are getting before purchasing.
Phonics Poster Features
- Primary-friendly lowercase letters in the left hand corner. (Capital and lowercase letters included for the Alphabet edition)
- One clean and clear sound image per page
Word that supports the picture in the bottom left-hand corner
- Includes color and black/white versions
Alphabet Letters & Pictures
- Aa - apple (short a)
- Aa - alien (long a)
- Bb - butterfly
- Cc - cake (hard c)
- Cc - circus (soft c)
- Dd - dog
- Ee - elephant (short a)
- Ee - eraser (long a)
- Ff - fish
- Gg - gift (hard g)
- Gg - giraffe (soft g)
- Hh - hat
- Ii - igloo (short i)
- Ii - ice cream (long i)
- Jj - jellyfish
- Kk - key
- Ll - ladybug
- Mm - monkey
- Nn - necklace
- Oo - octopus (short o)
- Oo - open (long o)
- Pp - pumpkin
- Qq - queen
- Rr - robot
- Ss - sun
- Tt - turtle
- Uu - umbrella (short u)
- Uu - unicorn (long u)
- Vv - volcano
- Ww - wagon
- Xx - w-ray
- Yy - yo-yo
- Zz - zipper
Digraphs & Pictures
- ch - cherry (beginning digraph)
- ch - bench (ending digraph)
- tch - match
- ck - duck
- kn - knight
- ph - phone
- sh - ship (beginning digraph)
- sh - brush (ending digraph)
- s - unsure
- s - treasure
- ch - chef
- ci - delicious
- si - discussion
- si - explosion
- ti - motion
- xi - anxious
- th - thumb (beginning digraph)
- th - bath (ending digraph)
- th - brother
- wh - whale
- wr - write
- qu - queen
Blends & Pictures
Beginning Blends
- bl - blender
- cl - clown
- fl - flamingo
- gl - glasses
- pl - plane
- spl - splash
- sl - slide
- sk - skate
- sm - smile
- sn - snail
- sp - sponge
- st - steps
- sc - scarf
- squ - squid
- sw - swing
- dw - dwell
- tw - twin
- br - bread
- cr - crayons
- dr - drums
- fr - frog
- gr - grandma
- pr - pretzel
- tr - tree
- thr - three
- shr - shrimp
- str - strawberry
- scr - screw
- spr - sprinkle
Ending Blends
- ct - insect
- ft - gift
- xt - text
- mp - camp
- pt - erupt
- ld - cold
- lf - wolf
- lk - milk
- lp - help
- lt - melt
- nd - sand
- ng - ring
- nk - tank
- nt - tent
- nch - inch
- sk - desk
- sp - wasp
- st - nest
R-Controlled Vowels & Pictures
- ar - bark
- er - flower
- ir - bird
- ear - earn
- our - flour
- syr - syringe
- ar - dollar
- or - labor
- ur - turtle
- or - storm
- oar - oar
- ore - store
- our - four
- ar - quart
- air - stair
- ear - bear
- ar - scared
- arr - arrow
- er - berries
- err - error
- ear - hear
- are - share
Long Vowel Teams & Pictures
- ai - sail
- ay - hay
- a_e- rake
- eigh - sleigh
- ei - veil
- ea - steak
- ey - they
- a - table
- ea - read
- ee - seed
- y - fairy
- ey - honey
- e - evening
- e_e - sphere
- ie - cashier
- ei - ceiling
- ie - pie
- i_e - bike
- y - fly
- igh - night
- i - tiger
- oa - boat
- oe - toe
- o_e - cone
- o - pony
- ow - window
- ue - glue
- u_e - cube
- ui - fruit
- ew - blew
- u - music
- eu - feud
Diphthongs & Pictures
- au - pause
- aw - draw
- augh - daughter
- ough - cough
- a - swan
- ew - screw
- oi - oil
- oo - moon
- oo- book
- ou - house
- ow - crown
- ow - bow
- oy - toy
- u - flu
- u_e - mute
- ue - blue
- ui - cruise
- eu - feud
- ou - group
ALSO INCLUDED: Soft and Hard C and G
- ce - dice
- ce - cent
- ge - cage
- gi - giraffe
- cy - juicy
Trigraphs & Pictures
- scr - screw
- shr - shrimp
- spl - splash
- spr - sprinkle
- squ - squirrel
- str - strawberry
- thr - throw
- dge - bridge
- tch - catch
Double Final Consonant & Pictures
- zz- fizz
- ll- fill
- ss- mess
- ff- sniff
Consonant Sound & Pictures (Words listed on poster)
- /b/- bat, cab
- /k/- kite, cat, stomach, duck, unique
- /d/- dog, kid, smiled
- /f/- phone, fast, scarf, cough
- /g/- game, log, ghost
- /h/- house
- /j/- juggle, gem, edge, cage
- /l/-shell, leaf, towel
- /m/- farm, mouse, climb, autumn
- /n/- knot, nose, moon, gnome, sign
- /p/- pail, clap
- /kw/- queen
- /r/- rake, write, rhino
- /s/- seed, bus, floss, circle, case, scar, psych
- /t/- taco, coat, stopped, doubt, script
- /v/- volcano, rev
- /w/- wind, wheat
- /ks/- box
- /y/- yarn
- /z/- zap, buzz, cheese, gloves
Skill Charts- Phonics Posters
- These charts are perfect for printing to have handy for any student during writing time. All the posters above have been added in a 1-2 page format making it easy for students to have in their writing folders!
- 13 color and 13 black and white pages!
Other Uses
Flashcards - Use your printer settings to print these posters 4 per page. Then punch a hole and place these posters on a ring. Voila! You have flashcards!
Word Wall Headers - Use your printer to scale the size of the posters as needed. Then use the posters as your word wall headers.
Alphabet Book - Print and bind for an alphabet book!
Included in this Instant Download:
- PDF with 226 color pages and 226 black/white pages
Get all of the resources below at a discount by purchasing this bundle!