Help your students learn and practice long vowel word families with these CVCe word family activity books!
These CVCe magic e books are made from ONE sheet of paper. Without staples or glue (just some folds and one quick snip), it turns into 8 pages that your students can take home and read as they practice the skills in the book! Step-by-step, picture and text directions are included.
This set includes one itty bitty book for each of the following CVCe word families:
- ake family
- ame family
- ate family
- ane family
- ale family
- ave family
- age family
- ide family
- ime family
- ile family
- ine family
- ose family
- one family
- ote family
- oke family
- ole family
- Long U (mixed) CVCe word families book
Each book includes:
- Tracking dots under each of the 4 CVCe word family words
- A detailed kid-friendly picture that matches each word family word
- Word and picture match (draw a line to the correct word/picture)
- Word family tracing page
- Pictureless word family reading review (with tracking dots)
Included in this Instant Download: