The wide variety of ELA skills included in this packet make it perfect for last trimester Kindergarteners (or first grade review, depending on your students).
The same format is used for each page so that students can work independently. (I do recommend that you model how to complete a page before asking students to complete it on their own.)
Skills include:
- Letter sounds
- Vowel identification
- Unscramble sight words
- Syllables
- Number words (1-10)
- Days of the Week
- Months of the Year
- Writing CVC Words (5 each day, one for each vowel)
- Producing and writing rhyming words
- Editing a decodable sentence (capital, periods, occasional misspelled sight word)
- Following directions (using color words)
There is one page for each school day in March (21).
- This packet is not "themed" for March except for a shamrock indicating the day (Day 1, 2, 3...).
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